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The purpose of acdc power supply module

In our daily life, we useacdc power module, Then everyone knows what role the power module has in our daily lives? Let's introduce the function of the power module to everyone!

1. Safety isolation

Strong current, weak current isolation and lightning isolation protection, because these currents have great damage to electrical appliances.

2. Protection

Short-circuit, overvoltage, overcurrent protection, etc.

3. Stable voltage

The voltage can become very unstable when used by many people or at night, so a stable voltage device is needed at this time.

In fact, we used the power supply module on the computer. In the 1980s, we installed the power switch on the computer, so that our computer can be turned on and off freely, and it became a batch of power supplies.

The industry of the module. Then with the improvement of technology, our power modules gradually entered various industries, such as: electronics, electrical appliances and other industries.

The above is an introduction to the use of ACDC power modules. I hope that while using our power modules, it can help you understand the purpose.